C3 Church Cheltenham
Author: Sally Parsley (Published: )

We are a group of ordinary people of all ages and walks of life joined together by a common belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We love the church, we love vibrant worship, great teaching, good friends, strong families and the communities we live in.
We are committed to helping people live their best life and so you’ll find courses and events run through the year to support people in their different circumstances, whether it is in spiritual growth, money management, marriage courses, emotional healing, or parenting, etc.
On Sundays we usually meet together to worship God, and during the week we meet in smaller groups for fellowship, social events, youth groups, community action or whatever works.
Our Sunday service is at 10.30am and is streamed live on YouTube channel
- Pastors : Christian & Angie Walsh
- Elder : Phil Parr
- Finance : Dawn Parr
- Admin : Sally Parsley
Find out more
Contact us
- Address - C3 Cheltenham, The Pavilion, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, GLOS, GL51 6PN
- Email - admin@ccccheltenham.org.uk
- Telephone - 01242 241461