Cheltenham CAP Debt Centre
Author: Carmel Smythe (Published: )

Christians Against Poverty is an interdenominational charity, who working alongside the local church helps to lift people out of debt and poverty.
All CAP services are offered free of charge.
Our heart is also to share the gospel and love of Jesus Christ with those we come into contact with.
The Centre opened in 2014 and is based at C3 church, Hatherley Lane. Since then we have offered help to 325 people with 65 going debt free.
The Centre is supported by many local churches, which is fantastic.
I have been working as a debt coach for over 5 years and took on the role of Centre Manager in April 2020.
We have a monthly prayer meeting - anyone is welcome!
During covid we continued offering help to people, adapting our service and having our appointments over the phone. Now we are back to face to face appointments, which is brilliant!
Normally I would go on visits with a befriender, who gives me some support as well as offering support to the client. My befrienders come from many different churches across Cheltenham and beyond and are such a great help. They are often able to get to know our clients, showing them practical love.
We are very open about our faith and will always offer to pray for clients, but seek to share in a sensitive way.
We see some of the most vulnerable people in society, and work alongside other agencies, Christian and non-Christian in helping them. The latest CAP Client report is now out and worth a read. Download now the CAP Client Report
Please do get in touch and to find out more:
Carmel Smythe - 07736 758437
CAP New Enquiries number - 0800 328 0006
CAP website -