Cheltenham Elim Church
Author: Dave Wellington (Published: )

We are an Elim Pentecostal Church, a church made up of all generations, families and are wonderfully multi-cultural. We are a place where you can discover, explore or go deeper in discovering God for yourself.
We want to be so affected by the love of God that we cannot help but affect our entire town and it’s surrounding areas.
We also facilitate Cheltenham Foodbank, with the main warehouse and operations hosted at the church offices on St Georges Road.
Our team:
Rev Roger Wyatt (lead minister)
Rev Dave Wellington (associate minister)
Bean Baker (creative director)
Liz Walker (centre manager, who oversees building, bookings and hires)
Josie Brown (kids worker)
We run services from our church building every Sunday (10am for kids, 10:30am for adults, youth and children), all online and in-person. We are expressive worshippers and value depth in our teaching, whilst trying to make everything relatable and applicational for all ages. During the week we have a vibrant midweek group selection for all generations and demographics, alongside many community initiatives and missional opportunities.
Contact Us
Address: St Georges Road, Cheltenham, GL50 3ED
Office Telephone: 01242 524476
Email: Info
Website: Cheltenham Elim

An Elim Pentecostal Church, Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance, Charity No. 251549