Cheltenham Network Church
Author: Sarah Haden (Published: )

Who are we?
CNC is a vibrant, unashamedly all age-friendly, Spirit-filled community, impacting the South of Cheltenham and beyond with the love of Jesus through fun, friendship, prayer, and service.
CNC is a ‘network church’. We are a Bishop’s Mission Order in the Diocese of Gloucester and part of the Church of England. As a church we work across the whole of Cheltenham and enjoy working with churches with connections to a range of Christian streams and other organisations.
We are only one of several great churches gathering on the south of Cheltenham and we are delighted to be working alongside the parishes of the South Cheltenham Team.
Our vision and values
Our vision is to grow adventurous communities, who make followers of Jesus of all ages. Our goal is to be a church for those who wouldn’t otherwise go to church.
CNC members believe that every follower of Jesus is called to play their part in God’s mission of healing and transformation. We believe small things done with great love can change the world.
In many ways the heart of what we do is in our networks. CNC has a range of networks meeting during the week all over Cheltenham but mostly in the south. Some are about coming together for fun, some are based around social action, others are mutual support groups, teaching groups, prayer groups or places of friendship where we work out what it means to live as followers of Jesus.
10:00am every Sunday and you can also catch up on the talks later via our Youtube channel.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more from CNC.
CNC Info
Vicar Sarah Haden
Website CNC
Email Info
Phone 01242 465698