Participating Ministries
The ministries in the list below send representatives to our meetings.

The Rock
The Rock Youth Organisation - Transforming Lives

Anna Chaplaincy
Cheltenham and Bishop's Cleeve Anna Chaplaincy for older people

Cheltenham CAP Debt Centre
Working alongside the local church to help lift people out of debt and poverty

Christian Arts Festival
I have witnessed a wonderful showcase where creative artists share their faith through many expressions such as song, visual art, drama and storytelling. - Bishop Rachel, Patron.

Cheltenham Pray for Schools Network
Every school… a prayed for school!

Cheltenham Foodbank
Cheltenham Foodbank exists as a support to agencies, charities and churches, in order to give a person in need an emergency 3-day food supply

Love Cheltenham
An informal grouping of churches from across the historic denominations and newer church networks.

Introducing TalkThrough a ministry that seeks to equip youth workers, parents, churches and schools to be the help young people need.

GTS is a ministry to churches and individuals, providing a forum for Christians to engage more deeply with biblical, theological and contemporary issues.

Youth for Christ Gloucestershire
Find out how Youth for Christ Gloucestershire are seeing young people's lives changed by Jesus.

Cheltenham Street Pastors
We are inter-denominational church members who are willing to offer support, practical help and a visible ministry to those who are out in the town late at night.

Feed Cheltenham
How the churches, schools, charities and organisation and people of Cheltenham made a difference

YMCA Cheltenham
Meeting the needs of young people and the wider community in Cheltenham and Gloucester.

Family Space
Working across Cheltenham to be 'Good news in the community'. Find out more about what that means.