The Parish of West Cheltenham

Author: Josh Denley (Published: )


Our Vision

Our vision is to see communities and places buzzing with the extraordinary presence of Jesus.

Who We Are

We are one united church across three key locations:

  • St Mark's (St Mark's)
  • St Barnabas (Rowanfield)
  • St Aidan & St Silas (Hesters Way)

Join Us

We meet across all locations at 10.30am on Sundays for worship and teaching:

  • St Mark's - band led contemporary worship with age-appropriate children's groups and live teaching.
  • St Barnabas- recorded contemporary worship with live teaching.
  • St Aidan & St Silas - more traditional piano and vocal led worship with live teaching.

In addition to this, St Mark's has a more traditional service at 9am each Sunday with organ-led hymns and live teaching, as well as a midweek communion on Wednesday's at 10am.

Join us every Sunday LIVE on YouTube at 10.30am.

Meet The Team

Lead Vicar - Rod Paterson
Associate Vicar - Sharon Walker
Community Pioneer Minister
Office & Operations - Josh Denley

Get In Touch

FACEBOOK - WestChelt
INSTAGRAM - @westchelt
YouTube - WestChelt
PHONE - 07990264554 / 01242580022