Youth for Christ Gloucestershire
Author: Paul Bennett (Published: )

For over 40 years Youth for Christ Gloucestershire has been seeing young people's lives changed by Jesus.
From its foundation, Youth For Christ has been about sharing the Good News of Jesus with young people so they can make an informed decision about Him. This will always be core to who we are and what we do.
This work involves us supporting young people in:
- Schools assemblies, clubs, detached work, mentoring and lessons.
- Supporting unemployed young people find employment.
- Young leader training
- Churches through joint projects and residentials.
- Establishing groups where there is no existing provision
Many young people with whom we work will be faced with significant challenges; others will have great opportunities. We support young people to make positive life choices to build great futures. This could be through a variety of opportunities such as our work supporting unemployed young people or through our young leaders' training group.
We want to equip young people with the skills to share their faith with their friends. We believe that a young person is the best person to share the Gospel with another young person.
We believe the Church is God's plan for the world. We recognise we have a role in supporting and equipping churches in their work with young people. We will look to serve the local church by providing resources and working in partnership when opportunities arise.
We would love to hear from you. You can get in touch using any of the following:
Tel: 01242 524408
Address: 115-117 St. George's Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. GL50 3ED